Forrester TEI of SAP on the Microsoft Cloud | Microsoft Azure
Read the Forrester Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study to learn about the potential cost savings and benefits enabled by SAP on the Microsoft Cloud.
The Total Economic Impact™ of SAP on the Microsoft Cloud
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Forrester Total Economic Impact™ of SAP on the Microsoft Cloud

Explore the cost savings, reduced downtime, and improved security posture that SAP customers experienced on the Microsoft Cloud.

Read this 2023 Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Microsoft* to learn the potential benefits of SAP on Azure, such as:

  • Realizing a projected net present value of USD10.52 million and a projected ROI of 118 percent over three years.
  • Avoiding on-premises infrastructure costs, with a projected value of USD14.2 million over three years.
  • Improving costs and time to value for SAP apps, enhancing developer productivity and saving companies around USD3.6 million of developers’ time.
  • Gaining flexibility to launch new products and expand operations, improving time to value by USD466 thousand over three years.
  • Improved security and lowered risk of downtime, with a projected present value of USD463 thousand over three years.

*To understand benefits, costs, and risks, Forrester interviewed four customers with experience running SAP workloads on the Microsoft Cloud. For the purposes of this study, Forrester aggregated the results from these customers into a single composite organization.


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