Cloud Strategies for Advanced AI | Microsoft Azure
Learn how to prepare your IT infrastructure to take full advantage of generative AI technologies—free white paper.
Rethinking Cloud Strategies for Advanced AI
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Rethinking Cloud Strategies for Advanced AI

Give your business a competitive advantage and drive innovation by preparing your IT infrastructure for advanced AI. Learn why you should revise your current cloud adoption strategy to take full advantage of emerging technologies like generative AI—self-learning algorithms that create code, text, video, and audio content.

Read this Harvard Business Review Analytic Services white paper to:

  • See how other businesses have increased productivity, optimized costs, and disrupted industries using AI infrastructure.
  • Explore the technological and social issues of using advanced AI tools and capabilities responsibly.
  • Begin honing your own IT infrastructure to meet the complex needs of advanced AI technologies.
  • Learn how to choose a cloud infrastructure with the data processing and compute power required to run AI-powered apps.


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