Serverless Services Solutions | Microsoft Azure
See how to build apps faster, improve scalability, and optimize costs with serverless solutions on Azure—analyst report.
Serverless Services Solutions, 2023
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Omdia Universe report: Serverless Services Solutions, 2023

Improve your productivity, accelerate innovation, and optimize resources by going serverless. See why Omdia recommends Azure serverless solutions for event-driven architectures—and learn how automating your infrastructure with Azure helps you:

  • Build apps faster with Azure Functions—a serverless compute platform—using your favorite development language or framework.
  • Save coding time using triggers and bindings to connect with Azure services like AI, machine learning, database, and messaging.
  • Quickly scale on demand as your server, database, and product testing needs fluctuate.
  • Optimize costs with pay-per-use pricing based on function calls, code execution time, and memory usage.


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