Maximize the impact of AI at work | Microsoft 365
Read the e-book Maximize the impact of AI at work to learn how generative AI and Microsoft Copilot save time, drive innovation, and make employees happier.
Maximize the impact of AI at work
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Maximize the impact of AI at work

There’s a lot of talk about how companies are getting amazing results from using generative AI to produce new content like blog posts, code, and images. But what’s the real story? Recent research from Microsoft shows that organizations really do experience significant benefits in productivity, innovation, and employee satisfaction when they use Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365, a generative AI assistant, in the flow of work.

Read the e-book Maximize the impact of AI at work to:

  • See compelling data on the benefits of using Copilot.
  • Find out how generative AI can drive business innovation and agility.
  • Make the right AI investment decisions for your specific organization.


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