Develop Low Code Apps I Microsoft Power Platform
Read this e-book to learn how developers can quickly build business apps using Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Power Apps, Microsoft Azure, develop business apps
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Develop Low-Code Apps with Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Azure

In response to changing business or market conditions, low-code solutions are designed for agile app development. Learn how to quickly build business apps using visual tools that are designed for developers of all levels.

Microsoft Power Apps allows developers to start creating low-code solutions quickly on a secure and connected platform. Read Develop Low Code Apps with Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Azure to explore making custom apps with intuitive tools and learn to:

  • Build a data-driven app in Microsoft Power Apps using the canvas apps visual creator.
  • Link control items like gallery and data table to relational data sources.
  • Connect those control systems based on user behaviors.
  • Determine app behavior across multiple screens with complex inputs and context variables.


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