Azure Active Directory Customer Training Webinars

Deployment wizard
This wizard is designed to help you understand and deploy the key features of Azure AD via a user-friendly interface. It provides step-by-step deployment guidance for the features YOU are interested in deploying. We have highlighted new features and given you the ability to join together different deployment tasks and goals to customize the deployment. Please note: this tool is available to everyone, whether you are deploying Azure AD with or without our FastTrack program.

Getting Ready for Azure AD
Learn how to prepare yourself and your organization to make the best use of Azure AD. Prepare your directory on-premises, find out about the main features and get your questions answered.
On-demand recording

The Basics of Governing your Azure AD and Office 365 Deployment
Is your business required to collaborate with other organizations? As the IT Admin, do you struggle to retain control of the Identities and Access Management of your environment? In this webinar we will introduce the tools to govern identities in your Azure AD and Office 365 deployment. You will learn how to manage the guest account lifecycle and appease your auditors. This session is designed for new Azure AD customers and existing customers who would like to govern their deployment.
On-demand recording

Choosing the Right Authentication Method for Azure AD
In this webinar we will talk about the various authentication methods available in Azure AD – Cloud / Password Hash Sync / Pass-through Authentication / AD FS. We will outline why choosing the right authentication method for your business is critical as you begin your journey to the cloud. We will explain how these authentication methods work and we will compare & contrast them with regards to deployment costs, end user experience, advanced capabilities, and business continuity.
On-demand recording

Manage Your Enterprise Applications with Azure AD
Learn the different ways Azure AD can help you achieve single-sign-on to your enterprise SaaS applications as well as best practices for controlling access for these applications.
On-demand recording

Secure Your Identities with Azure Multi Factor Authentication
Learn about how Azure AD can help you secure sensitive identities or applications under different types of conditions. You'll leave understanding the different scenarios involved and the impact on end users. Come with your questions!
On-demand recording

Intro to Azure AD B2C: Make it easy for your customers to securely Sign In and Sign Up to Your Applications
Come learn about how easy it is for your organization to service your customers by using Microsoft Azure AD B2C – leverage the B2C platform to manage all aspects of authentication, freeing you to focus on the best application experience for your customers. Leverage Social Accounts (such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and more), Local Accounts (or any identity provider using open standard protocols (OpenID Connect or SAML), to provide a customized, branded experience for your consumers. We will show both basic and advanced customizations, as well as review integration with other systems and how reports can be generated to measure the success of your applications.
On-demand recording

Beginning Your Journey to Zero Trust with Conditional Access & Identity Protection
Are you looking to improve your organization’s security posture by implementing a Zero Trust Model? In this webinar we will introduce Azure Active Directory conditional access as the foundational building block of a Zero Trust network. You will learn how to incorporate the signals from Azure Active Directory Identity Protection with Azure AD conditional access to make access control decisions based on user, device, location, and session risk. You will also learn how to reduce your attack surface by clocking older less secure protocols from your Azure AD tenant. This session is designed for IT Admins that are ready to implement a Zero Trust Network for their organization.
On-demand recording

Streamlining Password Management Using Azure AD
Learn how to utilize Azure AD to achieve self-service password management (reset/change) for users and the different ways you can roll it out. This session covers advanced configurations such as on-premises sync'ed passwords and federated authentication.
On-demand recording

Azure AD Connect Health
This webinar will teach you how to easily monitor on-prem components from the Azure portal using Azure AD Connect Health. This includes learning how to monitor and get alerts on Azure AD Connect, ADFS and Active Directory Domain Services.
On-demand recording

Manage Partner and Vendor Access Using Azure B2B Collaboration
Learn how to invite your partners and vendors to securely collaborate in your organization's applications. This session will show you how Azure AD B2B collaboration can help you manage their access without having to own or manage their identities or credentials.
On-demand recording

Office Hours for Developers: Upcoming topics
Thank you for being part of the Microsoft Identity team's office hours for developers. We are pleased to see the response and the feedback you have provided. The Office Hours will continue to run every other Thursday morning at 9am PDT, the recordings will be available on YouTube, so you’ll never have to miss one.

Save the event to your calendar or join the conversation directly by clicking here. Please continue to submit your questions for consideration in future community calls for developers. Please note that this is not a support channel. Please continue to use stack overflow for how-to and support related questions.































