Plugging Out-of-Stock Gaps in Consumer Goods

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Plugging Out-of-Stock Gaps in Consumer Goods

A prescriptive guide to contain out-of-stock challenge that plagues consumer brand

In the era of omnichannel operations, a proactively managed inventory management strategy is not a nice to have- It’s a must have. A well-tuned inventory management strategy allows consumer goods companies to allocate inventory towards millions of SKU locations and use rich the inventory time series data and insights to enhance sales, service-levels and supply chain activities. The challenge for brands is to figure out agile strategies to plug the varied gaps that exist in ordering, updating and replenishing inventory for multi-channel, multi-site and multi-tier sales and distribution.

This eBook reviews and provides some fresh ideas to contain out-of-stock (OOS) challenge that continues to plague consumer brands and as a result their supply chain, last mile and retail partners.

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