Secure Your IT Foundation Webinar | Microsoft Azure
Learn how to protect legacy and end of support workloads against security threats and how to prepare for cloud migration to be AI-ready.
Security, infrastructure, legacy workloads, end of support, migration
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Webinar: Secure Your IT Foundation to Be AI-Ready

As organizations embrace the new age of AI, it’s important to remember the importance of having a secure IT foundation – this is where migrating to the cloud can help.   

In this webinar, we will explore scenarios of organizations protecting their legacy and end of support workloads against security threats and share tips on preparing for cloud migration that will support AI advancements for your business.  

Watch this webinar to learn about real-life solutions and practical demos on: 

  • Improving visibility and security posture with contextual insights to minimize risks.
  • Unifying your security tools and vendors amidst talent shortages and IT sprawl.
  • Responding to threats faster across hybrid and multi-cloud environments with prioritized alerts– all in a centralized view.
  • Ensuring business continuity in case of catastrophic failure such as unplanned outages.
  • Modernizing and protecting end of support workloads to stay compliant while maintaining compatibility.


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Additional resources

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Windows Server on Azure Guide

Read this guide to learn more about cloud security and governance.

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Migrating to Azure Guide

Use this resource guide to start planning your database migration.

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Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 Reaching End of Support

Migrate to Azure and receive up to three years of free Extended Security Updates (ESUs)

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