Hyperscale Apps with Azure SQL | Microsoft Azure
Watch this webinar to learn how Microsoft Azure SQL Database Hyperscale works with any application to eliminate resource limitations and boost scalability.
Hyperscale Azure SQL SQL Database Scale Performance Read Scale
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Hyperscale Your Apps with SQL Database

Digital transformation increasingly depends on the ability to manage data and harness its potential, but today’s intelligent and immersive applications are often constrained by resource limitations – an inescapable reality for application developers.  

Azure SQL Database Hyperscale uses the familiar SQL Server engine, built upon a unique, cloud-native architecture, to remove many of the practical limits traditionally seen in cloud databases. Azure SQL Hyperscale provides elastic scale-up and scale-out capabilities, that can be leveraged by any application of any size with any workload. And with support for up to 100 TB you’re covered for any planned or explosive growth that your solution may have.  

Watch this webinar to learn about:  

  • How you can achieve automatic, rapid scalability regardless of the size of the operation, enabled by Hyperscale’s unique architecture.  
  • Hyperscale’s read scale capabilities, including demos of rapid scale-up of compute resources.  
  • Enabling massive OLTP read scale-out scenarios and improving HTAP workloads with Hyperscale’s named replicas.

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