PCs and Hybrid Work | Forrester Study
Reliable work-from-home equipment is a must in any remote environment. Learn about technology needs and recommendations for the modern workplace.
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Understanding The Role of Modernized PCs in Hybrid Work Environment Optimization

Understanding The Role of Modernized PCs in Hybrid Work Environment Optimization

The right IT devices and tools are a valuable—and essential—investment in hybrid work. However, many PCs aren’t optimized for this hybrid-work setup.

Employers need to take inventory of where investments need to be made to ensure that employees are properly connected with the right hardware and software. With the right tools, you can help your hybrid team effectively and efficiently thrive in the modern workplace.

Forrester conducted an online survey with 1,733 business decision makers in IT, HR, and line-of-business roles. In the study, Understanding the Role of Modernized PCs in Hybrid Work Environment Optimization—a Forrester Consulting thought leadership paper commissioned on behalf of Microsoft, you’ll:

  • Learn more about the post-pandemic workforce, in which business leaders expect over 50 percent of their workforce to remain remote or hybrid.
  • Understand the top challenges that remote employees face with their PCs.
  • Read how employers are investing in employee-equipment budgets, including an increase in PC/laptop spending.
  • Learn about improvements needed in PC quality—across hardware, software, peripherals, security, and support processes—to foster successful hybrid work.
  • Gather key recommendations to drive employee experience, improve business outcomes, and more.

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