Contact the Windows 365 Sales Team
Learn how to use Windows 365 to enable hybrid work and stream your personalized apps, settings, and content from a Cloud PC to any device.
Windows 365, Cloud PC, hybrid work
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Contact the Windows 365 Sales team

Contact the Windows 365 Sales team

Get started by completing the form, and a Windows 365 sales specialist will be in touch within two business days.

Our sales specialists can:

  • Answer any questions you may have.
  • Provide more information.
  • Help you sign up for a free trial or subscription.

Want to continue exploring Windows 365 on your own? Browse Windows 365 features.


Contact Sales

If you are a current customer and need technical or billing support, please visit our support area or log in to your account to see more options.

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In the meantime, explore these resources:

Compare business plans

Compare business plans

Simplify setup, deployment, and management of Cloud PCs with easy, direct purchasing.

Windows 365 Business
Compare enterprise plans

Compare enterprise plans

Include Cloud PCs with centralized end-to-end management using Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

Windows 365 Enterprise
See all Windows 365 resources

See all Windows 365 resources

Learn how to get started and find information about system requirements, deployment steps, security guidelines, and device management.

Windows 365 documentation (English)
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