2030 Smart Communities e-book | Microsoft
Read the 2030 Smart Communities e-book to learn how to create smarter cities with the cloud services available through Microsoft Azure Government.

2030 Smart Communities

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The 2030 Smart Communities e-book envisions how smarter cities will function when government agencies take advantage of intelligent cloud services. By using data effectively, organizations can reimagine everything from education and public records systems to efficient transportation alternatives and public safety. The intelligent cloud, mobile and wearable devices, and Internet of Things (IoT) technology jump start innovation and give state and local governments capabilities to improve citizen services.

Read the e-book to:
  • Learn how governments can use data to manage urban congestion, enhance public security, and improve educational systems.
  • Discover how security, privacy, compliance, and transparency become the foundation of your infrastructure with Azure.
  • See how the services offered in Azure Government—including artificial intelligence, IoT device management, automatic bot systems, cognitive services, big data, and analytics—will help you better serve your citizens.
Download the e-book