WEWC2564_9 Machine Learning and MLOps Technical Session

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WEWC2564_9 Machine Learning and MLOps Technical Session

On Demand

Recording of 07.04.2022
Event Language: English

Deepen your technical knowledge on Machine Learning (ML) and MLOps by diving with our experts on the following topics:
  • Machine Learning in the Cloud
Machine Learning is the key to success for many businesses already. Azure Machine Learning is a cloud service for accelerating and managing the machine learning project lifecycle. In this session, we ll cover how machine learning professionals, data scientists, and engineers can use it in their day-to-day workflows: Train and deploy models and manage MLOps.
  • MLOps
MLOps is the glue to bring people, process and platform together for streamlined lifecycle management of machine learning. Join the session and hear the latest tools and methods to put MLOps into practice!
  • Responsible Machine Learning
Advancements in AI are different than other technologies because of the pace of innovation, and its proximity to human intelligence – impacting us at a personal and societal level. That’s why responsible AI is such an important topic for not only decision makers but also data and AI professionals. Join this session to hear the key principles, consideration and methods to put responsible AI into practice.
