Microsoft SaaS Day for
Startups - Business track

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Microsoft SaaS Day for Startups - Business track

On Demand

Microsoft SaaS Academy was inspired by our CEO Satya Nadella’s vision: “every business will become a software business, build applications, use advanced analytics and provide SaaS services.”  

If you are a startup at any stage, our SaaS Day for Startups digital event is for you. 

Watch this free digital event and learn about: 

  • current industry trends, and get valuable insight on how to make strategic choices of cloud and technologies,
  • how AI will accelerate product development,
  • and how to price your SaaS to achieve higher revenue.

Furthermore, our expert speakers share the most important factors to consider when starting SaaS development. 

Business track Speaker  Company 
Current trends: how to find product market fit and acquire first customers Ross Kennedy Microsoft
Building your business on top of the OpenAI models Adam Goldberg OpenAI
SaaS pricing strategy Raz Bachar Microsoft
Strategic choice of cloud and technologies
Marc van Neerven
Irina Kostina


Find out more about our SaaS Academy program here: 

Learn about the agenda of the Technical track here


Ross Kennedy

VP, WW Digital Natives


Adam S. Goldberg

Head of Azure OpenAI Enablement, GTM Team


Raz Bachar

Managing Director - Israel & Global Industry Lead at Microsoft for Startups



Marc van Neerven



Irina Kostina

Customer Engineer



Dorin Cohen-Leira

Director Tech Strategy, WW Partner Org.