Microsoft Envision: US Healthcare Summit - Med Tech
Discover innovative new technologies and hear firsthand from industry leaders. They’ll discuss key aspects that will shape the healthcare of the future, from the current workforce crisis to the transformation of the patient experience.
Here’s what you can expect:
Welcome (5 minutes)
Join Deb Cupp, President of Microsoft US, to learn about Microsoft´s commitment to digital transformation in the healthcare industry.
Combating the workforce crisis from the inside (15 minutes)
The root cause of burnout is the workplace, not the worker. Intermountain Healthcare joins Microsoft to discuss ideas to create the sustainable workforce of the future by transforming the workplace.
Broadening the boundaries of the healthcare ecosystem (15 minutes)
CVS Health shares a case study on how patient care improves when the healthcare industry joins forces with other consumer sectors.
A Fireside Chat with Dr. Michele Harper (15 minutes)
Dr. Michele Harper, emergency room physician and author of the New York Times-bestseller The Beauty in Breaking, shares the critical role diversity and inclusivity play in empowering patients and providers alike, and the importance of making peace with the past while drawing support from the present.
Mixed reality for better results and empowered professionals (25 minutes)
Experience a HoloLens 2 demonstration and hear from Nicklaus Children’s Hospital and SphereGen Technologies in this session on how mixed reality technology is revolutionizing healthcare - from drug development and manufacturing to complex surgery planning and the patient experience.
A Fireside Chat with Lex Gillette – No need for sight when you have a vision (15 minutes)
Discuss Lex’s incredible journey from losing his sight at an early age to his inspirational achievements as a Paralympic athlete and beyond, and the message of inclusivity and empathy he has found critical along the way.
Learn how you can bring technology into your strategy for better healthcare.
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Deb Cupp |
Seraphine Kapsandoy |
Kyu Rhee |
Dr. Michele Harper |
Lex Gillette |
Clifford Goldsmith |
David Rhew |
Kevin Dolan |
Robert Hannan |
Ted Dinsmore |