Microsoft Education Briefing:
Modernize and Secure your Schools and Institutions

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Microsoft Education Briefing: Modernize and
Secure your Schools and Institutions

The staggering amount of change experienced by educators in the last few years has left the industry in need of bold solutions. As hundreds of millions of learners shifted to digital learning environments, the data proliferated without tools in place to leverage insights. And a sharp increase in cyberattacks has left many educational institutions in need of more robust data security measures.

In this on demand virtual Microsoft Education Briefing, you’ll learn best practices for modernizing and securing your school. The first half of this event focuses on K12 schools and key learnings from school districts and industry experts, and the second half shines a light on how Higher Education institutions are addressing security and modernization. You’ll hear the latest from experts on what they’re seeing in the industry, and how peers are advancing their schools:

  • Gain an expert understanding of the latest threats and opportunities within education.
  • Discover what modernization means for your school or institution, and how others are applying technology to advance their digital transformation.
  • Learn how you can leverage data insights and maintain a secure environment for your school or institution.

We believe that when students and educators operate in a secure environment on a trusted platform, they’re more likely to participate and collaborate in their learning.
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