Modern Work Discovery Series: Make Work Work:
Empowering a culture of learning from the boardroom
to the frontline

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Modern Work Discovery Series: Make Work Work: Empowering a culture of learning from the boardroom to the frontline

With the landscape of job reshuffling and uncertainty in the market, retention is a top priority for organisation leaders. Studies have showed a direct correlation between retention and an organisation’s learning investments; 76% of employees would stay longer at their company if they could benefit more from learning and development.

Frontline workers also have learning needs. Research shows that having to learn on the fly is a key source of stress for the frontline, so Microsoft's suite of products answers this anxiety with bite sized, guided learning modules that lets your team learn when, where, and how works for them best. This toolkit also expedites onboarding so that seasonal frontline workers can get up-and-running ASAP - great for your business, and great for workers' development.
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