Microsoft Accessibility
eBook for Education

See how Microsoft accessibility helps students of all abilities thrive.

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Microsoft Accessibility eBook for Education

Microsoft accessibility solutions can help your school level the learning-field for children of all abilities.  

Enabling Microsoft’s accessibility tools in your school will not only unlock new possibilities for students, but also help school leaders, special education needs coordinators, teachers, and IT staff to enhance classroom efficiencies, save time and reduce IT costs and effort. This eBook will show you how in four simple steps.  

  1. Elevate – Elevate awareness around the importance of inclusive technology for more equitable learning.
  2. Evaluate – Evaluate your current tech stack to ensure it helps pupils learn effectively.
  3. Enable  Help teachers, administrators and students achieve more with some of our most powerful accessibility features.
  4. Empower  Empower every pupil to reach their potential by equipping your school with assistive tech to enhance learning.
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