Introduction to Sustainability for Everyone

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Introduction to Sustainability for Everyone

In line with Microsoft’s commitment to be Carbon Negative by 2030, Microsoft is working on developing an ecosystem for its customers to encourage them uptake their Sustainability journey and accelerate their respective transition to carbon lean or carbon free systems. With a motto to increase the capacity building and awareness on this transitional journey, Microsoft through its Sustainability School has planned an introductory awareness course for non-sustainability professionals who are new to the field of sustainability and are not engaged in sustainability related work in their daily schedule.

This video features a 1 to 1.5 hours course and focuses on a variety of topics such as Sustainability, ESG, Climate Change, and GHG Accounting. As an expected outcome, the viewers would:

  1. Get familiar with interesting concepts in Sustainability and ESG.
  2. Correlate with their role and communicate to support Sustainability.
  3. Understand why Climate is everybody’s responsibility.


Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: ESG Foundation
Session 3: Climate Change Foundation
Session 4: Way Forward
Session 5: Q&A
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