Insights from Microsoft's Work
Trend Index: How companies in
Middle East & Africa can make
Hybrid Work, Work.

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Insights from Microsoft's Work
Trend Index: How companies in
Middle East & Africa can make
Hybrid Work, Work.

Insights from Microsoft's Work Trend Index: How companies in Middle East and Africa can make Hybrid Work, Work.

Microsoft’s latest Work Trend Index report uncovered key insights about today’s workplace. Employees have a new “worth it” equation. Now more than ever, employees are more likely to prioritize health and wellbeing over work. They are acting on the need to achieve better work-life balance. Meanwhile, Managers feel wedged between leadership and employee expectations. What does this mean to you and organizations in the Middle East & Africa region?

In this video, we are deep diving into:

  • Microsoft’s Perspective on Hybrid Work with Paula Leech, Senior Director Human Resources Microsoft Middle East and Africa
  • The Evolution of HR Tech with Jay Clem, Employee Experience Partner and General Manager at Microsoft
  • Fireside Chat with Zubin Chagpar, Modern Work and Security Business Group Leader at Microsoft Middle East and Africa
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