Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms

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Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms

On Demand

Hybrid work is the new norm of working nowadays and we believe it is here to stay. Productive meetings start behind the scenes, with excellent operations and room experiences that allow everyone to be seen, heard clearly and fully participate in the meeting, no matter where they are located.

Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms are purpose-built calling and meeting room solutions that deliver intuitive and inclusive meeting experiences, consisting of a center of room touch panel control (from which you can manage the meeting without leaving your seat!) while paired with certified A/V peripherals that enable customization scalable to any room size.

Get started with Microsoft Teams Meeting Rooms!

Watch this interactive demo to learn more on how to use a modern Microsoft Teams Meeting Room.


  1. What is Teams Meeting Rooms?
  2. How to deploy Teams Meeting Rooms - from an IT perspective.
  3. How to engage with a Teams Meeting Rooms system - from an end-user perspective.