Modernize your data estate with Azure Arc

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Modernize your data estate with Azure Arc

On Demand

More companies than ever are investing in hybrid and multicloud technologies for flexibility to innovate anywhere to meet their evolving business needs. They understand the value of the cloud but may have apps and data that need to remain on-premises due to constraints such as latency and data sovereignty.

The modernization and management of a complex data estate across on-premises and multicloud remains as one of the top challenges for many businesses.

In this webinar, you'll learn about Microsoft’s perspective on hybrid and ways you can modernize your data estate without going to the public cloud. Join the discussion as we dive deep into the use cases, learn the market opportunity for your business, and discover how to tap into the power of Azure Arc.

Topics covered:

  • Insights on the latest trends, opportunities and challenges on hybrid & multicloud
  • How Azure Arc-enabled Data Services brings innovation, efficiency & security to your data estate
  • Build agility and drive innovation with an always-up-to-date SQL engine
  • Deliver efficiency with a simplified DevOps
  • Improve security posture across your on-premise and multicloud environments
  • Maximize your ROI with a foundational understanding of hybrid pricing, billing model and the total cost of ownership