Microsoft 365 Hour:
Safeguard your business and data
with comprehensive security​​​

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Microsoft 365 Hour:
Safeguard your business and data
with comprehensive security​​​

On Demand

Companies of all sizes are increasingly making cybersecurity their key priority, and for good reasons. Nearly 1 in 4 small and medium-sized businesses reported a security breach recently, and many are not financially prepared to recover from a cyberattack.

To further protect SMBs from cyberthreats and safeguard sensitive information, join our webinar as we share how we’re bringing enterprise-grade security, in an affordable and comprehensive solution so you can grow your business securely.
Watch our Microsoft 365 Hour: Safeguard your business and data with comprehensive security on demand
Security experts from Microsoft, Maxoffice Services, and QS solutions will share:
  • Best practices and tips to protect your business against cyberattacks while enabling secure collaboration from anywhere
  • Quantifiable security benefits and savings with Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  • A self-service cybersecurity assessment to help you gain a clear picture of your security risks and actionable insights to address them.

Meet your speakers:

Glenn Woolaghan
SMB Lead
Microsoft APAC
Dr. Nitin Paranjape
CEO and Founder
MaxOffice Services Pvt Ltd
Paul Dols
CEO and Founder
QS Solutions

Watch on demand today!

* Source: Microsoft commissioned research, April 2022, US SMBs 1-300 employees
** Source: Kaspersky Global Corporate IT Security Risks Survey, 2019


You may also watch the previous M365 Hour on-demand sessions by registering here:

Microsoft 365 Hour:
Cost-effective productivity for your business